Friday 21 August 2015

14 Tips On How To Make Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has many scientifically proven benefits to help maintaining natural health and overcome many health problems. Common benefits include weight loss, lower blood sugar levels and cure for diabetes. There are 3 calories in one table spoon of apple cider vinegar that are considerably low. 

How to make apple cider vinegar??
It is not much difficult. Just follow some simple steps for making apple cider vinegar. The biggest investment is time as it takes almost 2-3 months to get ready.

Tips On How To Make Apple Cider Vinegar Organically

1. Required Ingredients
            Three ingredients are required that are water, sugar and ten Apples. 

2. Required Supplies For Making Apple Cider Vinegar
            One quarter size large mouth jar, a piece of cheese cloth to cover, a rubber band

3. Choosing Apples
            Although there is no rule for type or size of apple but here are some tips to get good taste vinegar.
·         Apples may not be flawless but should be free from spoilage. If there is any spoilage please cut that before making apple cider as it can cause the juice ferment sooner than expected and can spoil the whole cider.
·         You can mix different varieties of apple
·         Better to avoid using brown or decay apples. They should be fresh and firm
·         Cider made with mixing different varieties of apple like sweet, tart and aromatic gives best results.
·         You can pick organic apple to make a truly organic apple cider vinegar.
·         You can even use the scraps (peel and centre) of apples (at least 10 apples) after making a pie.

 4. Making Apple Cider
There are alternative methods available for making apple cider. For how to make apple cider vinegar organically follow the tips below

·         Wash the apples and cut into small pieces but less than one inch.
·         Put these apples in a plate until they gets brown.
·         Now put these pieces in the jar. Peel and centre can be included. Make sure that apples fill the jar to 2/3 rd.
·         Add clean water until jar is filled 2, 3 inches below mouth. Water should completely cover the apples.
·         Add and mix three tea spoon sugar in it
·         Now cover the mouth of jar with cheese cloth and tie it with rubber band. You can use any other piece of cloth that let the cider breath and save it from bees and other things.
·         Leave this on any counter for one week. Observe the apples inside the jar. If the apples don't float and completely sink to bottom than apple cider is ready.
·         Strain the apple cider and throw away the pieces of apple.

5. How To Make Apple Cider Vinegar
Now you have your apple cider ready. Now making Vinegar is just as easy as making apple cider. It is just a matter of time. For making apple cider vinegar put this apple cider in the clean jar. Cover it again with cheese cloth tied with a rubber band. Better to keep the jar in warm place for another 4-6 weeks. Taste your apple cider after 6 weeks. If you feel its right taste then strain it one more time and keep it in a Mason jar or jug. You can impress your friends by serving your homemade vinegar and they would surely ask you how to make apple cider vinegar.

6. How To Make Apple Cider Vinegar Using Apple Juice
You can use apple juice instead of using apple cider. Apple juice will take longer to convert into vinegar as compare to apple cider. Juice should be taken from fresh large quantity of apples.

7. Tips For How To Know When Apple Cider Vinegar Is Ready
You should start tasting after few days. Taste is the only parameter to know that cider is ready. When you will taste it two or three times a week you will know the difference happening in taste. In start it will taste like a carbonated drink. Then it will start tasting like alcoholic and after some days it will get the sourness of vinegar. If you are well aware of how an apple cider vinegar tastes then there will be no problem to know the time when it is ready.

8. Storage
How to store your vinegar is as important to know as how to make apple cider vinegar. There are two methods to store your home made vinegar. One is to store it as it is in refrigerator in a mason jar. Second is to pasteurize it. To pasteurize heat the vinegar to 140 degree F and less than 160 degree F. Cool it and store at room temperature.

9. How To Make Apple Cider Vinegar With Different Flavors
You can add a flavor to your vinegar. You can choose any flavor of your choice like onion, mint, raspberries etc. You can also add it while making apple cider but better to include at the end.

 10. Cost Of Vinegar
If you want to know the cost for any reason then you can calculate the price for apples (unless you are using the left-over), price of Jars, and cheese cloth.

11. How To Make Apple Cider Vinegar In Less Time
You can reduce the time of making apple cider vinegar by adding 1 1/2 tbsp of unpasteurized apple cider vinegar for every two cups of water. Add it when you add sugar in water.  It will speed up the process.

12. How Long It Can Be Used
Raw vinegar doesn't go bad if kept in good container in the refrigerator. Pasteurized vinegar can stay in room temperature also and can be used for longer times.

13. Honey As Sweetener
You can use honey instead of sugar.

14. Point To Remember
If the vinegar gets moldy then throw it out and try again. Read and follow the directions carefully.
Some Helpful Tips:
·         Always check the taste of vinegar with clean and dry spoon.
·         Don't worry about Mother that might be floating on the surface. It is harmless and has healing properties.
·         Homemade vinegar is mild so better to avoid it using for food preservation.
·         Watch some helpful videos on "how to make apple cider vinegar".

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