Friday 21 August 2015

12 High Tech Weapons That Would Change War Forever

Mankind's ability to fight and defend against enemy is increasing day by day. Wars are very different from WW1 and WW2. Many people believe that if there would be third world war than it will be extremely destructive and people will die in big number. This is because of Atom bomb, nuclear weapons and so many hi tech weapons. Still many researches are going on to invent innovative Hi Tech Weapons because armies want to be more powerful. Some Major Research and developments in creation of Hi Tech weapons are discussed below. These are so powerful that they will change the future wars forever.

1. Force Field

Boeing Company is an aircraft and defense company and it has taken the idea of science fiction "force field" and took a patent for this. They plans to develop a Star Wars style "force field" that would defend to potential damages by using energy. They are adopting the method and system for shock wave reduction through electromagnetic arc. So it may be possible to provide a layer of protection from nearby encounter to targets. This system can sense if an explosion occurs nearby and as a result shock waves are generated. An arc generator then determines the area where protection is required and a fore field is created for protection.

2. Weather Control

Also called Geo engineering means involvement of human control in natural climate system of this earth. Broadly there are two techniques for geo engineering

Solar Radiation Management (SRM)
Solar radiation management or solar geo engineering is reflecting a small quantity of solar energy back. It causes green house gasses in atmosphere and these gases absorb energy and increase temperature. Some future techniques are
·         Increasing Cloud's Reflective-ness to increase amount of solar energy to be reflected back
·         Blocking some sunlight in space before it reaches to the earth
·         Introducing small reflective particles to stop and reflect solar energy back to the space before it reaches to earth.

Carbon Di Oxide Removal (CDR)
It is also known as Carbon Geo Engineering. It works for ocean acidification and direct green house effect by removing Carbon Di Oxide from atmosphere.

3. Directed Energy Weapons
These weapons use directed energy to destroy or damage the target enemy equipment, Facilities and soldiers by using directed energy. It can also work to disable different vehicles of enemy.

Types Of Directed Energy Weapons

a. Microwave weapons (ranges from 300 MHz to 300 GHz)
·         Active denial system-heats the water in target's body and causes pain
·         Vigilant Eagle- It is an airport security system that sends high frequency microwaves toward a missile fired on any aircraft. It disables the target guidance system of a missile.
·         Bofors HPM Blackout- It is to destroy commercial electronic system from a long distance. It is not destructive for human.
·         Green Pine Radar- It injects energy in missiles through antennas and can fool guided system, scramble memories and even burn the electronic component.
·         AESA radars- slate as directed energy weapons against missile.

b. Electro Laser
 It creates a plasma-channel through a laser beam and in a fraction of second later it transmits a powerful electric current through this channel. The final voltage is 108 to 109 Volts. It's a long distance high energy version of stun gun.

c. Pulsed Energy Projectile-PEP
Its release an infrared laser wave and it creates a plasma at target the will rapidly increase. As a result sound, shock and electromagnetic waves are produced. It creates paralysis, pain and stuns the target.

4. The DREAD Weapon System

It can be described in three words Devastating, Jam Proof and Silent. This is a centrifugal type of gun. It has a rapid-fire prejectile system. Centrifugal guns has a rotating disc inside and use centrifugal force in place of gun powder. It is also called "Silent Machine Gun". A new centrifual weapon named DREAD is invented by Charles St George in 2005. It claimed to fire at a speed of 300 m/s. (

5.Micro-Electromechanical Systems (MEMS)

In tech future a big advancement in the field of Micro-Electromechanical systems is creation of a micro chip that allow the remote control of weapons. Currently drones have similar technology. In future it would be used for controlling weapons given to allied armies to force them using these weapons exactly for intended purpose. According to the Chris Harmer (Institute for the Study of War) ,"There is just a virtually unlimited potential. You can even set an expiration date- you can say a weapon is only usable during certain time of the day".
It will be a fully automatic weapon the can be operated only by its required operator. MEMS are used to build anti-aircraft weapons that can be fired on some specific places only.Just push the off button when you think the weapon should not be used further.

6. Nano Weapons

Nano technology is all about understanding and controlling matter at dimensions of 1-100 manometers. Many researches are going on in USA, Russia and Germany for use of nano technology for mini-nuke devices. Mini-Nuke or Suitcase Nuclear weapon is a nuclear weapon that is so handy to be carried in a suitcase.

7. Spy Satellites
September 2013, American National Reconnaissance Office announced the launch of their new spy satellite. Spy satellites are eyes in the sky and use elector-optical imaging. Mainly they are used to spy the weapons of mass destruction. Many advancements are expected in this technology in near future.

8. Future Combat warrior Suits

Warrior suits are expected to be seen after year 2020.  These will be like those shown in many movies (AVATR). These suits will provide weapons, head to toe protection, Computer Network availability, Power source, and enhanced performance. Many experimental warrior suits are under testing process under US Future Combat System Program.

9. Hyper-sonic Jet

A bullet speed is Mach 2 that is twice the speed of sound. Us Military is developing a hyper-sonic Jet that will move in speed five times speed of sound. It is probable to be introduced in 2023 and a test flight has been carried out in 2013. It was a successful test as the speed reached Mach 2.1 more than 5 times speed of sound. Research is also going on for other qualities of hyper-sonic flights.

10.Micro Robots

Micro robots are used in Afghanistan and Iraq for spying as well as for drone attacks. Next micro robot is expected to be a Robo-fly. it will of size of a fruit-fly and would have wings to flap too. Research on killer Micro Robots is also going on.

Navy's Hi Tech Weapons To Change The Way Of Future Wars.

11. Renewable At-Sea Power Weapons
Program to develop the ability of getting and saving energy from ocean waves is given the name "Renewable At-Sea Power Program".  The capability of extracting power from natural resources continuously will bring revolutionary changes in use of underwater vehicles and underwater drones.

12. The Laser Weapon System (Plus Water Fuel)
One of Hi Tech future Navy weapon is Laser weapon system that would fire missiles with extremely high speed (seven times the speed of sound). It will release laser to destroy its target. It have a cost as minimum as one dollar per shot. The cost is so little because it does not use any explosive plus it has vessels that make fuel from sea water. It is not science fiction and the basic work is completed to some degree.

Future wars will be entirely different from those in past. They will not be the wars of soldiers rather they will be the war of technology. Many countries are spending a large amount per year in research and development of high tech weapons. This is just a craze of gaining competitive advantage and to enjoy the most powerful role around the world.

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