Friday 21 August 2015

8 Tips On How To Be Beautiful Rather Than Cute

"Why does my boy friend says i am cute instead of hot or beautiful?",
"All of my friends and even boyfriends call me cute. I don't want to be just cute, i want to be called pretty. how can i change this?"
"How to become beautiful? I don't want to be called hot or sexy"
Many questions similar to above mentioned are asked by girls every day. They want to know how to be beautiful rather than cute. They feel beautiful is more stronger word as compare to cute and it defines them more appropriately. Some feels its inferior to be called as cute or it's like they are too young to be praised or too ugly to be called beautiful. Let's look for the meaning of both and then find the ways for how to be beautiful rather than cute.

Cute Vs. Beautiful

For dictionary the meaning is not much different as cute means attractive in a pretty or endearing way while beautiful means pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically. Difference lies in common usage of both words. In fact both words are used as expressing women of different qualities. "Cute" is a delicate word used for a girl with lovely shy looks. It is mostly used for young teenage girls with tender and soft impression. " Beautiful" is very powerful word describing women with distinct personality. Beautiful is usually used for a women who have good looks, confidence and quality to inspire others with her charisma.
Cute is usually used to express feelings for kids, teen age girls and pets. So this make it difficult for young girls to absorb as they are trying to be beautiful and feel elder and leaving the childhood behind them.
"Beautiful" can be used in many ways to express different feelings. It depends upon circumstances and the women and the caller them self to decide that in what meaning they are using the word beautiful.
It can be used for physical appearance as well as for a kind heart and caring nature. A women can be called beautiful for number of reasons but in any way or situation it's the most powerful and memorable moment for any women.
For girls, being called as" beautiful" rather than "cute" is like an up gradation from childhood to being a youngster. There are number of quotes about beauty that describe a girl's desire to be called beautiful. How to be beautiful rather than cute in true meanings? It require a little extra effort. Although many beauty tips and tricks available to look beautiful but it is not a simple matter of beauty only. It's about personality as a whole.

Tips On How To Be Beautiful Rather Than Cute

"Beautiful" is the word that force the women for Botox and surgeries and zero size. This word is like the hub-of-wheel and a women's life revolve around it. "how to be beautiful"-It plays the role of a base for women's life long struggle and wishes. But it will be unfair to treat this word just to define looks. It is a sacred word one should keep to define those for whom they can't use "hot", or "sexy" or similar words. It adds a value in usual meaning of word "beautiful".
Many quotes about beauty mention such additional value for example , " Beauty Lies in the Eyes of Beholder". This means there are additional qualities associated with beauty that can turn an ugly face with good behavior to be called as "beautiful" and a good looking face with bad behavior turn into "ugly" for the one who experience such behavior.

Below are some tips for how to be beautiful rather than cute in true meaning

1. Passion
Passion is the most beautiful quality for any women in the world. A women having passion for different things like passion for travel or becoming successful in her career is a women worth called " beautiful". A women with passion easily get excited about different things and keep her loved ones near to her. She is worth talking in bed rather than sleeping with her.

2. Beauty Tips And Tricks.
It's a very common habit for any women to use beauty tips and tricks for how to be beautiful and how to improve the looks. There is no limit of beauty enhancement efforts. A women's appearance is very important and she is always touchy about the comments for her appearance.

3. Inside Beauty
Inside beauty is difficult to achieve as it does not require any cosmetics or hair styles. Inside beauty is achieved by behavior. A beautiful women attracts people by her inner beauty and they like to stay near her.

4. Mysterious
Beautiful people are often mysterious too. Whether they are talkative they don't like to talk about their own inner self. This makes them mysterious and charismatic for others.

5. Confidence
Confidence is not relying on others for anything. Women with ego and self respect feel it uncomfortable to rely upon others. This give them confidence and courage.

6. Right Time
A beautiful women always know the right time to speak, to remain silent and to wear a smile. She can appropriately decide which dress suits on her on which occasion.

7. Free Of Fear
A women with a fear for consequences for her decisions cant make her way toward new horizon. A women with free will, confidence to choose alternative and make daring decisions to make her way to achieve her passion is most attractive women.

8. Quotes About Beauty
Almost all the quotes and sayings about beauty are not about apparent beauty of a women.
Rather these are about inner beauty, character and personality and clearly answering about how to be beautiful.

Simple Tips For Maintaining A Beautiful Look
1. Keep yourself clean no matter how much busy you are. A regular bath, brushing the teeth and cleaning the nails give a fresh and neat look and keep active all day. It's good to clean hair on alternative day but if you use some hair spray then better to wash that before sleeping.
2. Take care of Acne problem. If u have acne problem very often then avoid doing experiments with your skin. Consult a skin specialist and follow the directions to avoid acne.
3. Avoid make up as much as you can. Although makeup give a charming look in few minutes and easy to carry but it has its own side effects. It is safe approach to avoid using make up whenever possible. Always remove make up before sleeping and avoid using heavy makeup if you have to go for long time.
4. Choose nice and comfortable dressing for any occasion. A painful heal or uncomfortable dress can change your facial expressions drastically. Better to use suitable jewelry similar to dress as well as similar to your personality.
5. Try to practice good habits as often as you can. Although inner beauty depends much on some God gifted qualities but a regular practice can also make them a part of your personality.

How To Put Air In Tires Without Gauge

Normally durability of different brand of tires depends upon many factors like vehicle, driver, road and frequency of travel. One essential thing for safety of vehicle and durability of tires is to keep an appropriate level of car tire pressure. A low air pressure not only decreases the life of tire but can cause serious consequences. A low car tire pressure may cause an accident, additional wear and tear of tire and extra use of gasoline. How to check tire pressure and add how to put air in tires is an essential skill for every driver.

Commonly a simple method of adding air to car tires is followed. That is to place the tire gauge over valve stem of tire and press it firmly to set over valve. It's necessary to prevent any air escape during putting air into tire. Read the gauge and it will tell about existing car tire pressure. Then place the air hose nozzle over the valve and firmly adjust it over valve stem of tire. Let the burst of air go into the tire and remove it when burst complete. Then check the air pressure again with gauge. If the air is exceeding the required amount of air, remove extra air. Better not to exceed more than 5 PSI than recommended in vehicle owner's manual.

A gauge makes the process simple to put air in a tire. It is also a safe way to get accuracy. But how to put air in tires if we don't have a gauge? This is not recommended to do it always as it can be risky. It can cause tire blow out or increase risk of accidents. Tire pressure gauges are easily available in market. These are also available on gas stations so better to look for a gauge rather than relying on judgments.

There could be exceptional circumstances when someone is in need to put air in tires without having a gauge. So how to check tire pressure and how to put air in tires in such situation? Although there are ways to deal with this situation but according to some people its matter of experience to be able to find accurate level of air pressure inside the tire. Six commonly used methods for how to put air in tires without a gauge are discussed below.

1. Eyeball Method

It is to check the car tire pressure by just watching it from a distance. For this purpose vehicle should be on a flat surface like road. After observing the tires from some distance experienced drivers can find the difference of air pressure in tires. However this method is considered riskier than all other methods. First, because it's difficult to observe a difference of 10 to 20 PSI. Second, some radial tires have slight bulge on the side walls of tire so can mislead the judgment. Some people try to inflate tire until bulge disappeared. But here is again a risk of over inflating and again facing a problem of putting right amount of air.

2.Hand Pressure
For this method of how to check tire pressure, heel of hand is used to push the tire hardly. The rule is if it feels like hitting a rock then there is plenty of air but if it feels like pushing back then there is low pressure. Now how to put air in tires? Simple, put air until "feel like rock" level achieved.

3. Ride-Through-Mud Test
It sounds little funny and long but some people prefer it on eyeball test. For this test mud, ink or any other similar marking substance is applied on tires and then made a mark on ground by little movement of car (make sure to do it on flat surface like road or pavement). Then observe the trail made by tire. This observation will give a comparative result of how much a tire touch the surface. Trail of tire with less air will be different and smudged as compared to other tires. Put some air and test again until required level of car tire pressure is achieved.

4. Thumb Calibration
It is calibrating the thumb pressure on the good pressure tire and then use this feeling as a standard to check the tire with low pressure and fill low pressure tire. This method is similar to hand pressure.

5. Weight On The Wheels
Put maximum weight on the tires and tires with low pressure will deform 10 to 20 %. This is a noticeable deformation to give an idea of required air.

6. Pump-Strokes-Count Method

If anyone doesn't like to keep a gauge and use it then it's very easy method to answer the question of how to put air in tires without gauge. Make a count one time with a gauge and remember it to use as a standard. For example if 110 psi car tire pressure is required and it is achieved by 200 strokes of pump then one can use these 200 strokes as a standard to fill the tire every time. Please make sure to use this standard as long as vehicle, tires and pump remain the same. Otherwise you need to check again. One more thing to be careful about is what should be the level of air within the tire after which it is filled with 200 strokes of pump.

Here are some tips or precautions to use above mentioned methods.

  1. Making judgments about how to put air in tires without knowing the existing pressure in tires depends upon many factors like type of vehicle, tires and load on it, volume of pump etc. So one should be aware of all risk factors and have knowledge and experience to make judgments.
  2.  It is safe to put too little than too much air at a time. Tires can explode if extra air is filled in it.
  3. Before doing any test put the maximum weight that car is carrying on it and if no tire is slack there is no need to fill air. Tire is in the safe zone as long as it is not slack.
  4.  One should have good information about the required air pressure of their tires(often written over tire) and how to put air in tires and how to check car tire pressure. Better to make experiments (like thumb calibration or hand pressure) with "gauge and judgments" before facing a situation to be able to make a rough idea without gauge.
  5.  Better to make more than one tests at a time to avoid any unpleasant situation. People who are often on travel at same vehicle are supposed to make better judgments for how to check pressure and how to put air in tires with appropriate measure.

6 Tips On How To Get Rid of Greasy Hair Naturally

We often hear "first impression last" but many of us don't know the true meaning of it. People with some problems may know the real meaning of this in better way as they have to do some effort to make their appearance good. These problems include common skin problems and hair problems. It may not bother a house wife to have dry skin or oily hair but for a working or social women it's very important. Many women around us spend so much time to find ways for how to get rid of oily hair , how to get healthy hair or remedies for double skin tone.

It is very important for working women to look good to attain confidence and face competition on her workplace. In this effort of looking good, oily hair are a big trouble. It is considered very difficult and expensive to maintain a fresh and healthy look for oily hair. In live tv shows these are among most commonly asked questions from skin specialists that " how to get rid of greasy hair ?" or " how to get healthy hair ?"

There are many reasons for oily hair. Some reasons are uncontrollable like heredity, hormonal changes, fluctuations in menstrual cycle etc and some are controllable like stress, use of birth control pills, excessive habit of eating oil rich foods and poorly adopted hair care. Later causes can be controlled by consulting doctor, changing habits and looking for alternatives.
How to get rid of oily hair and improving the looks is dream of every women having oily hair. Many shampoos and conditioners are available to answer the question of how to get rid of greasy hair . The problems are 

  • They are too expensive and not everyone can afford them.
  • They provide very temporary fresh look.
  •  These are not suitable for every skin type so it's difficult to choose an appropriate one.
  • They may have side effects and there is a risk of hair damage.

Medication is also not a good solution and not acceptable for all. Medicines too have side effects. The best solution is to find a natural remedy for hair as its long lasting plus not harmful for skin or hair. natural remedies are inexpensive, tested from long time, and easy to do as most ingredients are commonly available at home.

How To Get Rid Of Greasy Hair - Natural Remedies

Tip # 1: Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera contains many vitamins and minerals that help control the level of oil secretion. It can be used in many ways. One easy and famous recipe for home made shampoo is:
 Mix one Tea spoon of aloe Vera gel, 1one table spoon of lemon juice and one cup of any mild shampoo mix all of this keep in a jar. Apply it on hair few minutes before washing and then wash in thoroughly. This shampoo can be kept for 6 to 7 days in refrigerator. Regular use of this shampoo will detoxify the scalp of impurities and help in oil control.

Tip # 2: Lemon Juice And Honey
Lemon Juice is very effective and proven remedy for women finding the solution for how to get rid of greasy hair. Lemon helps maintain ph level as it have acidic properties and also help control oil secretion level in hair.
For oily hair treatment take juice of one lemon and mix it into three tea spoon of honey and one full cup of water. Mix it very well and leave for some time . Apply this on hair for 3-5 minutes and then wash it with shampoo. Repeat 2 to 3 times per week to get best result.

Tip # 3: Honey And Egg Yolk
Mix two tea spoon of honey in one egg yolk and mix it well. Massage this on hair for some time and then left it for twenty minutes. After that wash it completely with shampoo. It will give a bright and fresh look to hair and make them silky. Do it twice a week for better result.

Tip #4 :Black Tea
Black tea contains tannic acid that strengthen pores and reduce the oil production level on scalp. Boil two table spoon of black tea in one cup of water for ten minutes. Strain the tea and let the water to normal temperature. Then pour it on hair and wait for 5 minutes than wash with shampoo. Two, three washes per week will keep the balance of oil on hair.

Tip # 5 : Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar have many advantages for oily hair. It not only controls the excessive oil but also work as a hair tonic to make hair softer and shiny. So how to get rid of greasy hair by using apple cider vinegar? Mix one cup of water and two to three table spoons of diluted apple cider vinegar. Apply it after washing hair with a shampoo. Apply the mixture and wait for few minutes and then wash with cold water. Make sure to use only diluted vinegar. Repeat two or three time a week and people around you will ask you for the secret, how to get rid of greasy hair and how to get healthy hair like you?

Tip # 6: Henna
Henna is ancient solution for many problems of hair and natural way of getting beautiful hair. Henna and water is applied to scalp for getting a fresh look plus a beautiful shade of hair. How to get rid of oily hair by using henna needs one more ingredient. Applying a mixture of one egg and some quantity of henna and water and leaving it for two hours before washing will give amazing results. Make sure to apply henna with roots evenly.

How To Get Rid Of Greasy Hair Instantly?
How to get rid of greasy hair "instantly" rather than how to get rid of greasy hair "naturally" require different instant remedies. Natural remedies mentioned above need a period of time to achieve required results. Sometimes we have to attend some urgent gathering or have to go to market so how to get rid of greasy hair in this case of short time available. Below are Tips for instant results:
  • Shampooing will give an instant fresh look.
  • Rub some baby powder gently on the scalp. Wait for a while and allow powder to absorb all the excess  oil on scalp. Than brush off extra powder.
  • Use Corn starch if you don't have baby powder available. Make sure to wash your hair when come back.
  • Put some hand sanitizer on your fingers and gently massage it in your hair roots. Alcohol based sanitizer will give an instant fresh look plus vaporize in minutes without leaving a need for washing.
  • Spray some perfume on roots and gently massage it. This will leave a freshness with sweet smelling hair.
  • Take wet wipes and scrub it in hair as thoroughly as you can. Wipes also contain alcohol and alcohol have magic effect to remove excessive oil from hair.

14 Tips On How To Make Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has many scientifically proven benefits to help maintaining natural health and overcome many health problems. Common benefits include weight loss, lower blood sugar levels and cure for diabetes. There are 3 calories in one table spoon of apple cider vinegar that are considerably low. 

How to make apple cider vinegar??
It is not much difficult. Just follow some simple steps for making apple cider vinegar. The biggest investment is time as it takes almost 2-3 months to get ready.

Tips On How To Make Apple Cider Vinegar Organically

1. Required Ingredients
            Three ingredients are required that are water, sugar and ten Apples. 

2. Required Supplies For Making Apple Cider Vinegar
            One quarter size large mouth jar, a piece of cheese cloth to cover, a rubber band

3. Choosing Apples
            Although there is no rule for type or size of apple but here are some tips to get good taste vinegar.
·         Apples may not be flawless but should be free from spoilage. If there is any spoilage please cut that before making apple cider as it can cause the juice ferment sooner than expected and can spoil the whole cider.
·         You can mix different varieties of apple
·         Better to avoid using brown or decay apples. They should be fresh and firm
·         Cider made with mixing different varieties of apple like sweet, tart and aromatic gives best results.
·         You can pick organic apple to make a truly organic apple cider vinegar.
·         You can even use the scraps (peel and centre) of apples (at least 10 apples) after making a pie.

 4. Making Apple Cider
There are alternative methods available for making apple cider. For how to make apple cider vinegar organically follow the tips below

·         Wash the apples and cut into small pieces but less than one inch.
·         Put these apples in a plate until they gets brown.
·         Now put these pieces in the jar. Peel and centre can be included. Make sure that apples fill the jar to 2/3 rd.
·         Add clean water until jar is filled 2, 3 inches below mouth. Water should completely cover the apples.
·         Add and mix three tea spoon sugar in it
·         Now cover the mouth of jar with cheese cloth and tie it with rubber band. You can use any other piece of cloth that let the cider breath and save it from bees and other things.
·         Leave this on any counter for one week. Observe the apples inside the jar. If the apples don't float and completely sink to bottom than apple cider is ready.
·         Strain the apple cider and throw away the pieces of apple.

5. How To Make Apple Cider Vinegar
Now you have your apple cider ready. Now making Vinegar is just as easy as making apple cider. It is just a matter of time. For making apple cider vinegar put this apple cider in the clean jar. Cover it again with cheese cloth tied with a rubber band. Better to keep the jar in warm place for another 4-6 weeks. Taste your apple cider after 6 weeks. If you feel its right taste then strain it one more time and keep it in a Mason jar or jug. You can impress your friends by serving your homemade vinegar and they would surely ask you how to make apple cider vinegar.

6. How To Make Apple Cider Vinegar Using Apple Juice
You can use apple juice instead of using apple cider. Apple juice will take longer to convert into vinegar as compare to apple cider. Juice should be taken from fresh large quantity of apples.

7. Tips For How To Know When Apple Cider Vinegar Is Ready
You should start tasting after few days. Taste is the only parameter to know that cider is ready. When you will taste it two or three times a week you will know the difference happening in taste. In start it will taste like a carbonated drink. Then it will start tasting like alcoholic and after some days it will get the sourness of vinegar. If you are well aware of how an apple cider vinegar tastes then there will be no problem to know the time when it is ready.

8. Storage
How to store your vinegar is as important to know as how to make apple cider vinegar. There are two methods to store your home made vinegar. One is to store it as it is in refrigerator in a mason jar. Second is to pasteurize it. To pasteurize heat the vinegar to 140 degree F and less than 160 degree F. Cool it and store at room temperature.

9. How To Make Apple Cider Vinegar With Different Flavors
You can add a flavor to your vinegar. You can choose any flavor of your choice like onion, mint, raspberries etc. You can also add it while making apple cider but better to include at the end.

 10. Cost Of Vinegar
If you want to know the cost for any reason then you can calculate the price for apples (unless you are using the left-over), price of Jars, and cheese cloth.

11. How To Make Apple Cider Vinegar In Less Time
You can reduce the time of making apple cider vinegar by adding 1 1/2 tbsp of unpasteurized apple cider vinegar for every two cups of water. Add it when you add sugar in water.  It will speed up the process.

12. How Long It Can Be Used
Raw vinegar doesn't go bad if kept in good container in the refrigerator. Pasteurized vinegar can stay in room temperature also and can be used for longer times.

13. Honey As Sweetener
You can use honey instead of sugar.

14. Point To Remember
If the vinegar gets moldy then throw it out and try again. Read and follow the directions carefully.
Some Helpful Tips:
·         Always check the taste of vinegar with clean and dry spoon.
·         Don't worry about Mother that might be floating on the surface. It is harmless and has healing properties.
·         Homemade vinegar is mild so better to avoid it using for food preservation.
·         Watch some helpful videos on "how to make apple cider vinegar".